Brass bullnose infill plane


Brass bullnose plane by unknown maker in fine condition. Pretty, in fine condition with Ibbotson iron. Almost bench ready.

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SKU: BRI-0624 Categories: , , Tags: , ,


These brass bullnose planes are pretty uncommon in Australia.  Reputed to have been sold as a kit and cast for user to infill themselves.  This one bares no maker’s name which possibly supports this theory.  Nice little plane, nicely presented and lovely metal.  The wedge is beautiful.

Nice Thomas Ibbotson iron in the plane.  Has some serious pitting along the stem of the iron, but the cutting section is very healthy.  Unfortunately, someone has ground the sides of the iron leaving just under 1/2″ of useable iron.  Otherwise, it would have had very little wear to the iron for its age.  1″ wide.  We can vouch for Ibbotson irons being high quality.

Mouth is reasonably tight, but with a little ‘smile’ to it.  Nearly 500g in weight.

Very hard and dark – possibly ebony.  Looks great, but could make a fine user too.  Blade is almost sharp and will take very little work to restore to a user.

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 9 cm

The above data is for shipping purposes only