Stanley 239 special dado plane


Un-restored Stanley 239 sweetheart, made in USA special dado plane. >40% japanning loss. 5/32″ cutters sizes. Cutters will need a quick sharpen.

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SKU: STY239-1 Categories: , Tag:


Stanley 239 special dado plane in original and un-restored condition. Size looks like it has a set of 5/32″ cutters. All complete including depth stop. All screws working. One Sweetheart mark and patent date on the cutter which implies pre-war USA made.  Blades in good shape – only need a sharpen for it to be functional.  Would benefit from a bit of cleaning, polishing.  Japanning is probably only 30-40% intact. Not an easy find with all the parts.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 24 × 18 × 8 cm

The above data is for shipping purposes only