Toledo Bevel Edge Chisel Set


Set of 6 Toledo bevel edge Swedish chisels. Size 32mm, 25mm, 19mm, 13mm, 10mm & 6mm. Excellent handles with polyurethane varnish. Good user set

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SKU: TOL-2401 Category: Tags: , ,


Nice set of 6 Toledo bevel edge chisels (the 6 chisels on the left only). Made in Sweden. These are reputed to be from the same factory as EA Berg, Eskilstuna, but made specifically for the Australian market.
Sizes are approximately 32mm, 25mm (1″), 19mm, 13mm (1/2″), 10mm and 6mm. Some are marked with the imperial dimension (those with it quoted), some are marked with nothing. Only the 25mm chisel is dual marked.
Although we don’t think these are an original single set, they do appear to be in similar condition and from around the same era.

Great chisels. Handles are almost pristine apart from the 32mm which has some dents above the reinforcing ring. Some chisels have had the bevels reground poorly (13mm and 10mm). All but the 32mm and 1/2″ chisel have power grinder marks on them. We recommend them as users rather than a collectors set.

Need to be treated like Bergs with a shallow angle grind 20-25 degrees. These chisels are more for paring and should only be gently struck. They take a wickedly sharp edge which can be fragile if hit too hard. All these chisels will need sharpening. All are without logos and have been polyurethane varnished. The condition of the chisels varies, but none of the edges is in a bad way so sharpening should be relatively easy.  The undersides will need flattening and in some cases that will be significant work if you sharpen by hand.  We tried flattening the 10mm chisel.  The fact that it was such an effort proves the steel is still in good shape under those battle scars.  Only recommend for those comfortable power grinding.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 32.5 × 18 × 14 cm

The above data is for shipping purposes only


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