Handmade Mathieson style Mitre Plane
I was in the lucky position to be able to commission a handmade Mathieson style Mitre Plane by Bruce Neville. This is my experience of the process and the results. This is a completely independent review.
I was in the lucky position to be able to commission a handmade Mathieson style Mitre Plane by Bruce Neville. This is my experience of the process and the results. This is a completely independent review.
A Plane Maker from the UK who has shared much of his knowledge online. Maker of wooden and metal planes and specialising in infill mitre planes
Skelton saws of Yorkshire in the UK are handmade quality saws built to order. They make some of the finest saws available today. www.skeltonsaws.co.uk Shane Skelton @skelton_saws @skeltonsaws Contact Details
Plane maker from the UK who has now published a book for how to make a dovetail-jointed infill plane. +44 7719 778079 bruce@nevilleplanes.com neville planes Facebook Bruce Neville (@handmade_planes_bruceneville) Contact Details